August 28, 2006 |
YTMND: Agent Smith wants ice cream
YTMND: Paradise - I don't know how Coolio can get all
pissy at Weird Al for parodying his song, when Stevie Wonder originated it all to begin with.
Improv Everywhere -
Home Depot - I thoroughly enjoy these scenes. This one, with video, was quite amusing.
Not Fooling Anybody - what happens to a fast
food restaurant when it closes up shop? Well someone's got to move in.
August 22, 2006 |
YTMND: Here's cookie!
YTMND: Zord skiing - it's so stupid, and yet the
essence of everything YTMND.
YTMND: Zangief vs. LA - and oldie but goodie!
Maria Kirilenko - another in
Russia's unlimited supply of tennis hotties.
Music videos for the band "Ok Go" - click on the
one for "Here It Goes Again" - I saw it on VH1, it was pretty amusing.
VIDEO: This TPIR contestant is a little out of whack - Bob's reaction is the best.
August 17, 2006 |
YTMND: Naughty by Nature - timing is a bit off, but
the comedy is right on.
YTMND: Go hamster go!
We want wiffle ball on tv - I
would SO watch this. Where's ESPN 8, "The Ocho", when you need it?
Bacon Wagon - I don't even know what it's
about, but the title alone makes me want to see it.
August 11, 2006 |
YTMND: It's a power surge
Upside-Down-Ternet -
neat hack to use against people stealing your wireless signal.
Eating star Kobayashi pounds record 58 brats
- he keeps going, and going, and going...
Bitchin' crop circles -
it's a true art form.
Loituma - Leva's Polka - kick ass Finnish a-cappella group.
August 6, 2006 |
YTMND: We're in a tight spot!
YTMND: Orly? Pregnancy test!
YTMND: Snakes on a burger!
YTMND: Ghost ride the Yoshi!
YTMND: No burritos just tacos!
YTMND: The Zogg
Absolut Ice Bar - I totally want to go there.
Osbourne is going to blow! - the captions cracked me up.
Bossy Stick Man - a couple nsfw ads, but the video is hi-larious!
IT'S F*CKING OWLS! - all your
favorite fad owls of the internets. Or maybe you don't know?
VIDEO: Back to the
Future: The Enchantment Under the Sea Dance Revisited - that's just neat, I always wanted to see how the
movies synched up.
BTTF Part II trivia - to follow up
on the above video :)
UNcyclopedia: table football - a quick
and funny read!
Ken Jennings of Jeopardy fame writes a funny
blog post about the show, and how Trebek is a robot, and how it needs to boost it's image. It's amusing.
It's tongue in cheek. Ken's actually pretty funny dude. But it's unfortunate that
professional NY POST writers don't realize this. Michael Starr thinks Ken is bashing the
show that gave him so much money and fame. Mikey, I think you need to stop trolling around the internet,
and quit scouring up things that don't count as stories. Either that, or develop some READING COMPREHENSION.
Oh, read Ken's blog if you don't. Good stuff.
Halliburton SurvivaBall
- a.k.a. THE BEST IDEA EVAR. You *have* to see these pictures. You just have to. People are getting paid
for this too. More money than you or I will ever see.
VIDEO: Spicy Nacho
Doritos - strangest parody commercial I've ever seen.
SEX? - best after school special in the history of time.
VIDEO: Dane Cook's
Kool-aid joke animated - whoop!
Bikini Karate Babes - it's a video
game! Must stop salivation...
VIDEO: We Are The Web - Net Neutrality, now with 300%
more internets celebrities! Please watch "The Video" on this page, because it's basically the best video in
the... whoa, I keep saying that line. Please, just watch! :) And on a serious, serious note, not having Net
Neutrality is the first thing that's scared me in awhile. Because I'll be PISSED if big companies can control
what web sites get what kind of bandwidth.
VIDEO: All Your Snakes Are Belong To Us -
it's exactly what you think it is. Move zig.