20 Stunning Cityscape Nighttime Photographs I always enjoy these. 02.28.11, 11:23 pm est |
Somersaulting medic (1:00) They do things differently in Brazil. 02.28.11, 8:07 pm est |
The Swim So peaceful. 02.28.11, 8:02 pm est |
Dear Microsoft (an open letter by Dan Bull) (2:18) I enjoyed this. Watch the beat. 02.28.11, 9:50 am est |
Brian Stuckey Art Freelance sculpture and illustration. Good stuff. 02.27.11, 7:33 pm est |
DJ Steve Porter & DJ Eli Wilkie - Carlin Step (3:17) It's been awhile, but DJ Steve Porter has collaborated and released another good tune. 02.27.11, 7:32 pm est |
Best inverviewer ever (4:00) Hitting all the tough questions! 02.27.11, 1:47 pm est |
Von Thord - Wedding Night (3:14) Unique song with a good beat. 02.26.11, 1:42 pm est |
Discovery's space shuttle launch viewed from an airplane (2:06) Neat vantage point to watch from. 02.26.11, 1:36 pm est |
Craig Wedren - We Are (3:45) Have you seen an interactive 360 degree music video? If not, then check this out. 02.26.11, 1:26 pm est |
Back To The Future : Irina Werning I like when the future photo mimics the original photo as closely as possible. 02.26.11, 1:20 pm est |
NEStalgia NEStalgia is an original MORPG inspired by the glory days of traditional console RPGs. 02.25.11, 11:50 pm est |
The Plumber (2:41) Another Mario, er, Luigi fanfic trailer. Well done. 02.25.11, 11:49 pm est |
The strange powers of the placebo effect (2:57) I need some weight loss placebos. 02.25.11, 11:20 pm est |
Itsy-Bitsy Computer To Be Planted In Eyeballs Impressive, but still no flying cars yet. 02.25.11, 10:22 pm est |
The Internet Wishlist A collection of ideas for apps and websites people are wishing for. 02.25.11, 10:17 pm est |
311 - Pow Wow Festival I kind of want to go to this, just to hear the entire Transistor album live. 02.25.11, 9:38 pm est |
Sam Harris, on stem cell research Found this tidbit floating around the blogosphere. It's a summarized quote from a 2006 article. Well put. 02.25.11, 9:33 pm est |
Bad Teacher - Red Band Trailer (2:27) This movie actually looks hilarious. 02.25.11, 9:15 pm est |
Rodrigo y Gabriela - Tamacun (3:13) Good tune. 02.24.11, 11:37 pm est |
The Chronicles of Rick Roll (0:49) Whaaaaaaattt... 02.24.11, 10:45 pm est |
Foul? (0:55) I can't decide if this is brilliant or pathetic. 02.24.11, 10:34 pm est |
You have two cows What happens next is up to the government you are under. 02.24.11, 10:29 pm est |
Vietnamese clients wax poetic over ear picking Apparently, the G-Spot is in the ear. Who knew? 02.24.11, 10:25 pm est |
Pictionary But With LEGO Blocks That looks like it would be a fun game. 02.24.11, 10:20 pm est |
Stuffed Hamburger Press I want to fill it with BACON. 02.24.11, 12:32 am est |
Lady Gaga Outfit or Landfill Trash? Here's a brain teaser for ya. 02.24.11, 12:31 am est |
Language as a window into human nature (10:53) I don't know why this struck a chord with me. 02.21.11, 6:06 pm est |
The world's biggest family The man with 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren. That's a lot of birthday cake. 02.20.11, 7:24 pm est |
Snowman Slide In South Lake Tahoe (4:20) This thing is a beast! 02.20.11, 1:30 pm est |
Star Wars Begins - Part 1 (10:00) If you like Star Wars, this 14 part series gives you alternate shots, audio, factoids, interviews, and other insight into the making of the movie. There's also a 24 and 23 part series for Empire and Jedi as well. 02.19.11, 2:07 am est |
Jeopardy! genius Ken Jennings on what it's like to play against a supercomputer A neat read, Ken is a funny guy. 02.19.11, 2:02 am est |
Alessandra Torresani in Slave Leia Costume Slave Leia: always relevant. 02.19.11, 12:39 am est |
Australian helicopter cowboys (2:32) That looks fun. 02.19.11, 12:20 am est |
Amazing 60K-Piece 'Abandoned Victorian House' Out Of LEGO LEGO: always relevant. 02.19.11, 12:07 am est |
4 Walmart employees fired after disarming gunman caught shoplifting I have been fully aware of this policy for years. Still, it needs some common sense to step in. "Walmart: we would rather have you die than someone sue us." 02.18.11, 11:58 pm est |
Real Life Mario Kart! (1:38) Well, more like CG-RL Mario Kart. Still neat. 02.18.11, 11:53 pm est |
Wells Fargo Meeting Today With Philly Homeowner Who "Foreclosed" On Them I am very curious to the outcome of this matter. 02.18.11, 11:49 pm est |
Robots In Disguise - The Sex Has Made Me Stupid (3:09) Also, what robot sex might look like. 02.18.11, 11:15 pm est |
Nedroid - Morning Motivation This is me almost every day. 02.18.11, 11:07 pm est |
SPENT It's a game sponsored by a shelter. I already played this game in real life so I won with no problem, haha. 02.17.11, 10:29 pm est |
Bathtime for Mr. Bear (1:43) Wow. 02.17.11, 12:42 am est |
Is This the Real Thing? Coca-Cola's Secret Formula 'Discovered' Interesting recipe. 02.16.11, 1:18 am est |
Living Room 360° projection area (1:45) A really neat concept art project. 02.15.11, 10:34 pm est |
Wayne Rooney scores an absolute screamer for Manchester United (1:02) One of the best bicycle kicks I've seen. 02.13.11, 4:08 pm est |
Fireworks surprise! (0:16) Wait for it... 02.13.11, 1:29 pm est |
Google Hardware circa 1999 What a server room might look like for a company that would go on to make millions of dollars. 02.13.11, 1:16 pm est |
This Is Not Porn A fascinating collection of rare celebrity photos. Definitely look through this one. 02.13.11, 1:02 pm est |
Using nature's genius in architecture (16:55) This is the kind of genius I hope changes the world. 02.12.11, 6:13 pm est |
Detroit Needs A Statue of Robocop! Mayor Bing may have shut down the idea, but if the people fund it themselves, it could become a reality! 02.12.11, 5:36 pm est |
Mario Kart is back (2:09) Remi is back to his old antics! 02.12.11, 12:21 am est |
Bacon Toothpaste A new way to start your mornings! 02.12.11, 12:16 am est |
Abandoned on Everest Here's a story with some creepy photos to go along with it. 02.11.11, 10:14 am est |
Swedish Subway System It's... so... epic... 02.11.11, 1:46 am est |
The External World (17:00) One of the best animated EFFING BIZARRE films I've ever seen. 02.11.11, 12:38 am est |
Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Guitar Medley (6:20) The Ocarina of Time soundtrack is simply one of the best to recreate it seems. 02.11.11, 12:09 am est |
Guy Builds A Musical Instrument Out Of Antiquated PC Hardware (3:14) Phantom of the Diskette anyone? 02.11.11, 12:07 am est |
Japanese comedians: Simple yet entertaining (6:36) Some classic gags never get old. 02.10.11, 11:53 pm est |
How It's Made: Paintballs (4:44) And then they are shot at you at 300 feet per second. 02.10.11, 11:39 pm est |
What if Dr. Seuss Created Star Wars? Kind of neat. 02.10.11, 6:55 pm est |
The Legend of Zelda "1987" Trailer (5:00) This was very well done, with VCR goodness! 02.10.11, 6:12 pm est |
Office supply monster It will rage on you. 02.10.11, 1:02 am est |
Snow Explodes As Semi Passes Under Bridge (0:18) Poof! 02.10.11, 12:08 am est |
Tetris Board Game A neat concept for a "board" game. 02.10.11, 12:07 am est |
A Chinese Starcraft/Warcraft Amusement Park? That's worth a trip halfway around the world. 02.10.11, 12:07 am est |
Norm MacDonald to host sports show on Comedy Central There is a lot of potential here for hilarity. 02.09.11, 9:09 pm est |
5 Second Films: Bowflex (0:08) Ha! 02.09.11, 9:31 am est |
Johnny Mac Trick Shot Quarterback (4:50) Pretty damn good QB. 02.09.11, 9:19 am est |
Dave Bing shoots down RoboCop statue I almost want to contribute to make this happen now. 02.08.11, 6:16 pm est |
Making Body Parts (1:17) Living forever? We're closer than you think. 02.08.11, 12:31 am est |
The shocking truth about the Chevy Volt I'm almost excited about this car. That's a compliment. 02.08.11, 12:22 am est |
Domino Day 2010 By Berserker Berlin (2:19) I love these domino creations. 02.07.11, 11:48 pm est |
Little Girl Finds Vulgar Candy Heart Hahaha, someone mixed the adult and family production lines. 02.07.11, 11:30 pm est |
In France... ...they call it "Yes". 02.07.11, 8:59 am est |
Things That Are Doing It: Who you gonna call?! I laughed. 02.07.11, 8:57 am est |
MST3k says: Packers win the Super Bowl! (0:55) How did they know? 02.07.11, 12:53 am est |
Biker gets rear ended and lands on feet (0:31) With helmet cam goodness. 02.06.11, 4:57 pm est |
Devils & Angels (2:10) A Family Feud survey with surprising results. 02.06.11, 4:55 pm est |
YooHoo & Friends (1:19) Flavor Flav voices a cartoon character. I really hope this gets picked up, it's BIZARRE. 02.05.11, 7:03 pm est |
Awesome Disney-Loving College Basketball Heckler (1:24) This guy always brings his "A" game. 02.05.11, 3:15 am est |
Carl Sagan and his Fully Armed Spaceship of the Imagination Crumbly. 02.05.11, 2:54 am est |
Extreme Sitting (2:19) Why just sit down, when you can sit down... EXTREME!!! 02.05.11, 2:52 am est |
Here’s what a car exploding in the middle of a road looks like (0:48) And boom goes the dynamite. 02.05.11, 2:50 am est |
Captain Morgan Interviews Brent Celek (1:13) Mildly amusing. 02.05.11, 2:40 am est |
Oregon Trail Street Crossing Ford it! FORD IT!!! 02.04.11, 2:25 am est |
Adams Shoots the Puck into the Water Bottle Holder (0:52) That's a first! 02.04.11, 2:22 am est |
Watchuwant? (0:02) Watchuwant? 02.03.11, 9:24 am est |
A Unique Billy Jean Cover (3:00) I kinda liked it. 02.03.11, 1:37 am est |
Backyard Ninja Murders Plastic Containers (5:05) Recycling has never been so violent. 02.03.11, 1:27 am est |
BTTF Stuff Get your hands on some reproductions of props from the movies! 02.03.11, 1:10 am est |
Sports results for the next 50 years No dust jacket needed! 02.03.11, 12:43 am est |
Samsung Drops SD-Card Laden Paper Airplanes From 22-Miles Up (3:09) Sending helium balloons into the atmosphere is the latest fad. 02.02.11, 11:53 pm est |
Cracking the Scratch Lottery Code Smarty pants figured out how to pick winners on certain scratch off tickets. 02.02.11, 11:47 pm est |
The Skin Gun (3:28) I am truly, *truly* impressed. The future is NOW. 02.02.11, 8:56 am est |
Wrap-A-Nap Sleep anywhere. Brilliant! 02.02.11, 8:51 am est |
McBain: The Movie (3:54) Old Simpsons never disappoint. 02.02.11, 8:45 am est |
The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (3:21) The narrator really sells how badass the Honey Badger is. 02.01.11, 11:57 pm est |
Super Bowl Ad FAIL by Michelle Beadle (1:29) A fun set of parodies of old commercials. 02.01.11, 8:47 pm est |