Please be careful when you get your laptop repaired Never take your computer anywhere. 11.30.10, 11:18 pm est |
Simpsons Burn Detroit and the Lions It's funny 'cause it's true. 11.30.10, 11:06 pm est |
Mario Bros by Dirk Erik Schulz Great job! 11.30.10, 9:53 am est |
Huge Go Cart Pile-Up 17 seconds of MAYHEM. 11.29.10, 11:26 pm est |
1/18 Scale DeLorean Time Machine Hard Drives When this baby hits 8800 RPMs... you're going to see some serious shit. 11.29.10, 9:30 pm est |
Harvard scientists reverse the ageing process in mice Living forever is practically right around the corner! 11.29.10, 10:24 am est |
Innespace Seabreacher Is A Two-Seat Submersible Personal Watercraft Drive a DOLPHIN. AMAZING. 11.27.10, 9:24 pm est |
HumanCar® Inc. Welcome to the future, cowboy! Cars powered by PEOPLE. BRILLIANT! 11.27.10, 9:22 pm est |
All Day by Girl Talk - Mashup Breakdown See the breakdown of 12 mashup tracks. Pretty interesting. 11.27.10, 8:33 pm est |
Pure Michigan: Lions Fans You'd have to be crazy. 11.27.10, 8:32 pm est |
Cats play patty-cake Usually videos of pets are stupid. You need to add a little extra to make it good. 11.26.10, 10:36 pm est |
Jem melts rock using sunshine That's hot. 11.25.10, 10:48 pm est |
Organ Trail Not a typo. Also, zombies. 11.25.10, 10:37 pm est |
Guy Designs A Computer And Its Software To Resemble The Interface From Star Trek But does it have a replicator? 11.25.10, 10:15 pm est |
Buttersafe - The Door Oh puns, how they amuse me so. 11.25.10, 3:33 pm est |
25 Kick Ass Crochet Creations Some really good ones in here. 11.25.10, 2:12 am est |
NES-Quizzes There's now 8 episodes of games that were Lego-ized. 11.24.10, 2:35 am est |
Introducing Xi3 Architecture A full computer that fits in the palm of your hand! 11.24.10, 2:16 am est |
I'm a Dog IMADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGG 11.24.10, 1:36 am est |
Metropolis II installation by Chris Burden 1200 toy cars going at one time. Looks like the Beltway, except the cars are moving. 11.23.10, 9:38 pm est |
Cookie Monster Auditions for Saturday Night Live Sesame Street is stepping up its game, good stuff! 11.23.10, 6:46 pm est |
TurBaconEpic Thanksgiving - Epic Meal Time A bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a bird IN A PIG... wrapped in BACON... and THEN SOME. 11.23.10, 6:40 pm est |
Cyanide & Happiness #2243 HOW HAVE I NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS?!?! 11.23.10, 9:03 am est |
Two Best Friends Play Kirby's Epic Yarn Mildly amusing at points. 11.23.10, 12:12 am est |
Asperger's High This is probably on the CW, just under another name. 11.23.10, 12:07 am est |
Food facts Get in the know. 11.22.10, 10:45 pm est |
17 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped Some good ones in here. 11.22.10, 9:08 am est |
Jenga pistol Play the hardcore way. 11.22.10, 4:11 am est |
More light to come Neat photography manipulation. 11.21.10, 4:20 pm est |
How to grow your own fresh air This is fantastic. I am intrigued. 11.21.10, 2:52 am est |
It Was Acceptable In The '90s Mega Man + healthy living tips = all the advice you'll ever need. 11.21.10, 1:36 am est |
Hat Tricks Ummmm... 11.20.10, 8:30 pm est |
250 Introductions of 185 People, Groups, & Things This was very enjoyable for some reason. 11.20.10, 8:22 pm est |
Don Kenn gallery Monster drawings on post-it notes, good stuff. 11.20.10, 7:45 pm est |
National Geographic's Photography Contest 2010 Absolutely awesome photography represented in these submissions. 11.20.10, 7:42 pm est |
Ryan Miller in Caddyshack Well done, Ryan Miller, well done. 11.20.10, 1:56 am est |
Sandra Kreuzinger - photo gallery Lots of fantastic shots in here. 11.19.10, 1:32 am est |
The Simplest Mobile Phone On The Market This is what you should give your kids that don't need cell phones to begin with. 11.18.10, 11:26 pm est |
Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Rollercoaster Want. 11.18.10, 12:39 am est |
88 Brilliant Examples of Forced Perspective Photography These are fun to look at! 11.17.10, 9:39 am est |
Interesting scenes found in Google's Street View a.k.a. "How to easily distract me from anything". 11.16.10, 10:49 pm est |
Tunnel log That's one way to deal with it. 11.16.10, 10:38 pm est |
She just keeps going... Mad skills up in the hizzy. 11.16.10, 9:02 am est |
My name is Lisa What a strange short film. 11.16.10, 9:00 am est |
Song 2 (Blur) - RnL VideoSong Another fantastic remake. I hope these guys keep churning them out. 11.16.10, 8:30 am est |
The Real Slim Shady - RnL Musical This is a ridiculously good rendition of the song. 11.16.10, 8:29 am est |
Manny Pacquiao's Punchout I'm glad he has a sense of humor! 11.16.10, 12:04 am est |
Would You Buy A Car From This Guy? Abso-lutely! 11.15.10, 5:17 am est |
Sepak takraw Soccer + volleyball = this insane sport. 11.15.10, 1:21 am est |
Amazing hockey goalkeeping It's field hockey, but it's still amazing. 11.13.10, 11:40 pm est |
Mad Men: Don Draper Says "What?" What? 11.13.10, 11:39 pm est |
The United States Map Of Television Shows Another fun graphic. 11.13.10, 4:33 am est |
U.S. Map According To Where Movies Took Place A fun graphic. 11.13.10, 4:33 am est |
the dipr - a spoon for dunking sandwich cookies I'll take two, please! 11.13.10, 4:33 am est |
Secrets To Success I'm going to have to agree. Circle gets the square. 11.12.10, 3:57 am est |
Cover of Men's Health - 2011 Tech Guide - Olivia Munn I need to have surgery. My jaw fell off and shattered on the floor. Stunning. Times a million billion infinity. 11.12.10, 2:47 am est |
OK Go - Last Leaf - Official Video OK Go should win every music video award ever. 11.12.10, 2:23 am est |
Page 3 - the woman you'd love your woman to be like An Old Spice spoof. Sweet sassy molassy. Dibs. 11.12.10, 1:47 am est |
Mugshot of the year The guy describing his crime reminds me of a Wesley Willis song. 11.12.10, 1:43 am est |
Outta my way! This kid HATES kumbayah. 11.12.10, 1:41 am est |
Super Mario Bros. X - Mario Fan Games Where to download the game. Black Ops? Pssh, give me some more old-school MARIO! 11.12.10, 1:40 am est |
Super Mario Bros. X 1.3 Gameplay Trailer Now THIS game looks AWESOME. 11.12.10, 1:38 am est |
The Greasiest Sandwich Ever - Epic Meal Time My goodness this looks AWESOME. 11.10.10, 3:23 am est |
The Death of the Double Down - Epic Meal Time The first two seconds of this video lets you know how ridiculously awesome this is going to be. 11.10.10, 3:20 am est |
A "Secret" Subway Stop I like stuff like this. 11.09.10, 10:38 pm est |
Koopa, It’s What’s For Supper Neat concept on the slicing and dicing of video game characters. 11.09.10, 7:28 pm est |
Jones Bacon Soda Holiday Pack This might be worth the purchase. 11.09.10, 5:45 am est |
Twinkie diet helps nutrition professor lose 27 pounds A Twinkie every three hours? Interesting concept. 11.08.10, 1:28 pm est |
Julien Berthier He makes a lot of odd things. 11.07.10, 5:01 am est |
100 Dolla Bills Ya'll This is the best karaoke EVAR. 11.06.10, 8:28 pm est |
NES Cartridge Wireless Router NES mods will never cease to amuse me. 11.06.10, 12:02 am est |
Turn Your Sink From Faucet To Water Fountain With The Squeeze Of A Nip This would be infinitely handy for me. 11.05.10, 11:44 pm est |
Very Mary Kate I don't know why these videos make me laugh. But they do. Every time. 11.05.10, 4:14 pm est |
How It's Made - Baseballs Cork, yarn, and leather, just like grandma used to make. 11.05.10, 2:55 pm est |
Is This A Good Idea? E-Voting Without Fraud Yes, this is a GREAT idea. 11.05.10, 7:06 am est |
Pogo's YouTube channel There's a bunch of other remixes here that are fun as well. 11.05.10, 12:15 am est |
Pogo - Wishery I really like this remix. 11.05.10, 12:11 am est |
Hamster attack! This little guy will eff you up! 11.04.10, 11:58 pm est |
Being Overweight Is Now illegal in Japan Well, not illegal, but now being extremely discouraged through alternate means. Interesting angle to go about it. 11.04.10, 4:55 am est |
Movin' Like Bernie The dance craze that's sweeping the internet! 11.03.10, 1:38 pm est |
George Takei Calls Out Anti-Gay Arkansas School Board Member Sulu brings down the hammer. 11.03.10, 1:29 pm est |
High Speed Video of Popcorn Popping Neat! 11.02.10, 5:53 pm est |
Jamie Oliver Teaches Knife Skills I am kitchen-impaired, so this helped me out. 11.02.10, 5:51 pm est |
Vintage Star Wars Travel Posters Pretty neat concepts. 11.01.10, 5:18 pm est |
Why the hell can I hear a thump when I look at the picture? Mindfuck indeed. 11.01.10, 1:01 am est |
The Six Feet Under Club offers sex in a buried coffin "What, like the back of a Volkswagon?" That's funnier if you got the reference. 11.01.10, 12:20 am est |
Combat sheep! Who said there's nothing to do in Russia. 11.01.10, 12:15 am est |