Inflating Evacuation Slides (0:35) Only, this one is not attached to the plane. 12.31.17, 12:27 am est |
Man Accidentally Texts Wife With Voice Recognition While Playing The Trombone The resulting texts are hilarious. To me, at least. 12.31.17, 12:04 am est |
House on the Rock, Spring Green, Wisconsin The "Infinity Room" looks absolutely amazing. 12.30.17, 11:56 pm est |
Someone made faux Washington Post, ESPN, B/R, SI sites to spread fake news about Redskins name change I mean, they changed the Bullets to the Wizards, what's the big deal? 12.30.17, 2:33 am est |
Tired of Negative News, Man Tweets Positive Things That Happened In 2017 Everything isn't all that bad... maybe? 12.30.17, 2:17 am est |
Nobody Reviews Restaurants On Yelp Quite Like This Man "Double Deeeelicious" food. Brilliant. 12.30.17, 2:15 am est |
Bowl Week (1:00) Don't miss out on any of these prestigious matchups. 12.30.17, 2:14 am est |
Bad Thief They can't all be winners. 12.29.17, 4:20 am est |
Relationship milestones I got to #2 once, but definitely missed out on #3. 12.22.17, 1:55 am est |
Unfortunately Necessary Shoveling snow in Michigan: serious business. 12.19.17, 10:25 pm est |
Horrible Christmas Design Fails Lots of accidental peen here. 12.16.17, 1:35 am est |
Birth Miracle That's some solid parenting right there. 12.16.17, 1:35 am est |
Pavement cracks FAQ. 12.11.17, 1:18 am est |
900 percent profit How capitalism works. 12.10.17, 3:54 am est |
You got knocked out The future will require nothing but tokens. 12.10.17, 3:53 am est |
Vulnerable Never again. 12.10.17, 3:52 am est |
Do you like me? How I approach dating. 12.10.17, 3:51 am est |
News of inventions Think about your friends, Kevin. 12.10.17, 3:50 am est |
Damage control Results may vary. 12.10.17, 3:47 am est |
You too The worst social mistake. 12.10.17, 3:46 am est |
Inspirational quotes Bad for your health? 12.10.17, 3:42 am est |
Sleep Too close to real life. 12.10.17, 3:40 am est |
A full life for Mario No one completes World 1-1. 12.10.17, 3:39 am est |
Pickup artistry The Mormons have a plan. 12.10.17, 3:36 am est |
Free disappointment So ignorant. 12.10.17, 3:33 am est |
Competitive board games Me with Carcassonne. 12.10.17, 3:32 am est |
Bad mood thesaurus Yeah, take that! 12.10.17, 3:29 am est |
Estudio Galera - concrete house - Argentina I'm fascinated with this kind of concrete architecture. 12.10.17, 2:33 am est |
Underground auditorium at the University of Lausanne Amazing what you can build into the side of a hill. 12.10.17, 2:29 am est |
Logo No Go Watch out, Bury. 12.09.17, 2:29 am est |
Navy admits its crew drew sky phallus Sky penis in flight... afternoon delight! 12.08.17, 3:43 am est |
Swedish man survived in snowed-in car for two months From 2012. Dude is lucky as I don't even know what. 12.08.17, 3:42 am est |
Robot Can Milk 70 Cows a Day (5:06) Amazing technology. 12.08.17, 3:41 am est |
30 Days Timelapse at Sea (10:00) One of those timelapse videos that I felt was totally worth it after watching it. 12.08.17, 3:04 am est |
RAIN (22:37) Music to chill out to. 12.08.17, 2:51 am est |
GoPro Camera Versus 1,100-Degree Lava Flow (2:05) Place bets now! 12.08.17, 12:56 am est |
Archipods: Spherical Outdoor Office Domes Office dome, sex pod, tomato, to-mah-to. 12.08.17, 12:55 am est |
An Anti-Scamming Artificial Intelligence System To Automatically Jerk Scammers Around For As Long As Possible (2:20) Yesssssss, fight scammers with bots. Now you're thinking with SCIENCE! 12.08.17, 12:55 am est |
Back to the Future Mr. Fusion Car Charger That's pretty neat. I don't know if I'd give up a cup holder for it, but it's neat. 12.08.17, 12:54 am est |
Teamwork: Astros Fans Work Together To Toss Hat Back To Lady Who Dropped It from 7th Story Parking Garage A couple short videos of the feat. That's good teamwork. 12.07.17, 1:37 am est |
The phonetic alphabet Try spelling your name! 12.06.17, 9:19 pm est |
Applaud This Win I'd like to rename this one to "ignorant white people". 12.06.17, 9:18 pm est |
A Program Has Stopped Responding Do what needs to be done. 12.06.17, 1:04 am est |
A to B, but not C They ain't bullshittin' ya. 12.06.17, 1:03 am est |
What To Do If a Bear Attacks You And All You Have Is a Knife Go for the high score. 12.06.17, 1:03 am est |
Experiment! How Does An Owl Fly So Silently? (4:13) THAT BIRD IS CRAZY, I'M BRIAN FELLOWS!!! 12.03.17, 5:04 am est |
Lehrer's official response to 2 Chainz Next to last paragraph under Musical legacy. Tom's the man. 12.03.17, 5:03 am est |
Kalamazoo Wings defenseman explains moonwalk celebration (0:35) That's a solid celly. 12.03.17, 4:57 am est |
Gary Miller's Soccer Breakdown | The Dan Patrick Show | 10/11/2017 (3:23) In 3... 2... 1... 12.03.17, 4:53 am est |
AHL mascot captures 'Wrestling Night' spirit with memorable table smash I need to see more mascot wrestling in sports. 12.03.17, 4:50 am est |
Naturopathic Vaccines: The Beaverton (1:47) "Canada's doctors find a new way to convince people to get vaccinated." 12.03.17, 4:10 am est |