Weird Owl (0:31) I enjoyed this to the maximum amount allowable by law. 02.29.12, 10:07 am est |
OHHHHHHH SNAP! Simple comedy. 02.29.12, 2:26 am est |
Orphic Oxtra - Skeletons Having Sex on a Tin Roof (3:17) I have the weirdest boner right now. 02.29.12, 2:21 am est |
Recoil Winders - Cord storage for iPhone, iPad, iPod & More I swear I've had this basic idea in my head for YEARS now. 02.29.12, 2:15 am est |
Ghost In The Stalls (5:43) This was pretty funny. It's worth it. 02.29.12, 2:14 am est |
CamelBak All Clear Water Purifier Bottle It uses UV light to effectively neutralize viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. It also costs $99. I... kind of want it. 02.29.12, 2:11 am est |
World Record Paper Airplane Distance (0:59) Would you look at that? Just look at that! That... is something... I think... 02.29.12, 2:06 am est |
An Honest Liar (6:03) I reeeeeeeally want to see this get made. Really really. 02.28.12, 1:05 am est |
55 gallon drum of lube - FOR SALE AND IT'S HALF OFF!!! 02.28.12, 12:54 am est |
Lionel Messi never dives (6:32) This video makes me smile. 02.28.12, 12:47 am est |
Gerd Ludwig's "Long Shadow of Chernobyl" project It's one of the most fascinating tragedies I can think of. The photos of the exclusion zone continue to hold my attention. 02.28.12, 12:39 am est |
Time for another round of Clever Tip Jars You've got to be expressive with that tail, otherwise, what's the point, right? 02.28.12, 12:31 am est |
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, AND ALL THAT IS HOLY... Great tattoo, or greatest tattoo? 02.28.12, 12:26 am est |
Dos Equis - Call of the Most Interesting (0:57) That... was interesting... 02.26.12, 3:43 am est |
Without Ragtime For some reason, this is brilliant to me. 02.26.12, 1:10 am est |
How To Dubstep Like A Parrot (2:42) This parrot has some pretty sweet moves. 02.25.12, 6:30 pm est |
Super Mario parade of some sorts (2:18) Best parade ever. 02.25.12, 6:28 pm est |
Rock Bottom (1:07) The puns, they are hi-larious! 02.25.12, 1:56 pm est |
Milk, True (0:54) The best use of children, ever. 02.25.12, 1:07 am est |
The art of trolling Oldies but goodies mixed in here. 02.25.12, 12:26 am est |
I Want to Have a Beer With This Guy Some solid quotes in this pile. 02.24.12, 10:42 pm est |
Real Life Goldeneye 64 (3:39) I feel like this would have been more enjoyable without the commentary. 02.24.12, 10:28 pm est |
10 Bullets A decent time waster. 02.23.12, 11:22 pm est |
More Tilt Shift Photography I can't get enough of it! 02.23.12, 11:02 pm est |
Proof that USB cables exist in 4-dimensional space This happens more often than it should. 02.23.12, 5:23 am est |
Moss graffiti (tutorial) That's... actually pretty neat. 02.23.12, 5:22 am est |
Cassetteboy vs The News (2:44) Laughed quite a bit at this mush-up. 02.23.12, 5:14 am est |
Mike Falzone - How to Break Up in the City (3:48) Music video based off the cartoon Doug. Kinda neat. 02.23.12, 5:07 am est |
Cat Fight (3:30) IT'S GONNA GET YOU. 02.23.12, 4:57 am est |
Just a Rocher MASSIVE. 02.23.12, 4:55 am est |
Snow Drawings by Sonja Hinrichsen This is just an amazing sight to see. 02.23.12, 4:54 am est |
Another Castle I liked this one a lot. Serious comic is serious. 02.23.12, 4:50 am est |
F U! (1:01) Express it with STYLE! 02.21.12, 11:11 pm est |
Concept car of te future? Volkswagen Aqua Not gonna lie, if this were ever manufactured, I'd totally get one, haha. 02.21.12, 10:45 pm est |
Awkward Video Game Pickup Lines (4:29) These are SO bad. Payoff is the very last one, hahaha. 02.21.12, 10:38 pm est |
Radar (1:56) Remi is at it again. This guy is the best. 02.21.12, 4:01 am est |
Perfect Endings Peanut Butter Cup Cake For those days when $80 is a burden to have in your pocket. 02.20.12, 3:45 pm est |
Squirrel I ell-oh-elled at this one. 02.20.12, 3:11 am est |
The Dave Thomas Collection My friend Dave wrote some good music. Here are a bunch of his songs you can listen to/download if you'd like. 02.20.12, 2:26 am est |
Ace Ventura Saves A Guinea Pig (2:02) What... the fuck... I WANT MORE... 02.19.12, 10:52 pm est |
1990: This guy is 100% boss (1:04) AKA me in my basement growing up, hahaha. 02.19.12, 10:26 pm est |
Monty Python philosopher soccer game (3:57) This amuses me greatly. 02.19.12, 9:54 pm est |
Dave Grohl and Jason Mewes play Yambo (2:37) I don't know why I don't remember this, but it is AWESOME! 02.19.12, 4:10 am est |
Dave Grohl is awesome Just another reason. 02.18.12, 4:15 pm est |
Air tight seal This is GENIUS! 02.18.12, 4:13 pm est |
Proof that Great Photography has Little to do with your Wallet Some AWESOME shots using Star Wars LEGO figures. 02.18.12, 5:40 am est |
City Transit Line posters These are pretty neat. 02.18.12, 5:38 am est |
Van Halen's Legendary M&M's Rider This was more interesting than I initially thought it would be. 02.18.12, 5:37 am est |
We Got A Problem? This shouldn't have made me laugh. It did. 02.18.12, 3:45 am est |
Married To The Sea: Why is everyone so fucked up People these days. 02.17.12, 10:43 pm est |
Shattered CD Sculptures Artist Sean Avery uses shattered compact discs and components from computer hardware to create gorgeous works of art. 02.17.12, 10:38 pm est |
Robbery EPIC FAIL in Rotterdam (2:06) Haha, the Dutch are awesome. 02.17.12, 10:37 pm est |
Star Wars location spotting in Tunisia That would be a fun trip to take. 02.17.12, 10:35 pm est |
Click the Frog Fun, free, flash game full of frogs, clicking and... that's about it. But it's still makes a fun midday distraction. 02.17.12, 10:35 pm est |
Reese's Pieces "Love Child" (1:02) The "Skittles" honeymoon couple has a surprise in the delivery room. 02.16.12, 1:16 am est |
Some very interesting drawings by Jacek Yerka Have a look-see. 02.15.12, 2:30 am est |
House can be such a prick... Classic! 02.15.12, 2:05 am est |
20 Awesome Athlete-Celebrity Look-Alike These are always fun. 02.15.12, 1:40 am est |
Canadian takes over seven years to dig out basement using R/C construction equipment This is where Giorgio A. Tsoukalos would come in handy. 02.15.12, 1:40 am est |
Boyfriend Went Vegan (0:32) PETA making a funny video? The end of the world is NIGH. 02.15.12, 1:38 am est |
The Parent Project Ep 1: "The Adventures of the Kids" (4:50) This is a pretty funny concept to video-tize. 02.14.12, 2:44 am est |
The Big Picture - Skating This was a fascinating set to look at. 02.13.12, 10:47 pm est |
Die Antwoord - I Fink U Freeky (3:54) This is clearly some sort of... WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST WATCH... 02.13.12, 2:38 am est |
Rippled (3:57) "The Most Amazing Light Graffiti Video Ever" - it's pretty neat. 02.13.12, 2:34 am est |
Wau: The Most Amazing, Ancient, And Singular Number (5:18) And math has ceased to make any more sense to me. 02.12.12, 1:49 pm est |
Future-Proof Buildings Impressive. 02.12.12, 1:48 pm est |
'I've been offered sex every day for rest of my life in return for $2m' A big winner from the Facebook IPO. 02.12.12, 1:45 pm est |
You Have Aids (0:31) Wait... 02.11.12, 5:18 pm est |
The First Hawaiians: Native Plants Plaaaaants. 02.11.12, 1:38 am est |
Pop Culture Ice Creams How I wish they existed. 02.11.12, 1:37 am est |
Scale of the Universe 2012 An updated version. Even more mind blowing than the last. 02.11.12, 1:16 am est |
Physics And Biking (2:58) It's like having a Mario Kart mushroom power-up on your bike. 02.10.12, 11:37 pm est |
OK Go - Needing/Getting - Official Video (3:54) One of, possibly the only, band that makes fun/crazy music videos anymore. 02.10.12, 11:36 pm est |
Modern furniture (3:28) That's some crazy Star Trek lookin' stuff. 02.10.12, 11:34 pm est |
Sand art SUPER impressive sculpture. 02.10.12, 11:25 pm est |
Will Ferrell introduces lineups on 80s night (4:41) A little amusing. 02.10.12, 2:14 am est |
Rhino escape drill Fake rhino escapes are serious business in Japan. 02.10.12, 1:54 am est |
Oven computer mod This is amazing. What detail. Fantastico! 02.09.12, 12:26 am est |
An Analysis Of NHL First Round Picks Since 2001 (Infographic) So... much... fantastic... information!!! 02.09.12, 12:01 am est |
Hunger Games Edition - Dude Perfect (4:09) Bow and Arrow meet BASKETBALL. And Panda. 02.08.12, 11:48 pm est |
Scientist tests super insulating foam (5:16) Insulate your home, AND your body! (He EATS it.) 02.08.12, 3:37 am est |
The making of a Louis Vuitton shoe in Fiesso d'Artico, Italy (5:43) This was a bit fascinating. 02.08.12, 3:36 am est |
Abortionplex Thank you, Onion, for being awesome; and their readers, for being awesomer. 02.08.12, 2:19 am est |
5sf - Cooking With Crazy!!! (0:08) It's the only way to cook! 02.08.12, 1:37 am est |
Brother Brain Pixel Art compositions created from graphical elements found in old school video games. AKA: TOTALLY AWESOME. 02.08.12, 1:25 am est |
One A Day This cracked me up! 02.07.12, 11:51 pm est |
Net Z33 This looks fun to play in. 02.07.12, 11:48 pm est |
Aaron Rodgers Says: Be Nice to Super Bowl Stars (2:31) This is hilarious! 02.07.12, 11:36 pm est |
Paris' Streets: Combo Ali-Ryu is my favorite. 02.07.12, 2:44 am est |
Tiny hippo He likes his tiny train. A lot. 02.07.12, 2:43 am est |
The future is here (1:42) The figure 8 at the end was mind bending. 02.06.12, 9:39 am est |
Bat infestation on a roof (3:22) Now I know what is happening at my parents house. 02.06.12, 9:38 am est |
Crab Amputates Its Own Damaged Limb (1:22) TASTE LIKE CRAB, TALK LIKE PEOPLE. 02.06.12, 9:38 am est |
Get yourself a green screen! (0:38) It's the greeniest! 02.05.12, 3:52 pm est |
Descriptive text You have to textualize. 02.05.12, 1:52 am est |
DUBSTEP A Venn diagram that will help you understand what it is. 02.05.12, 1:51 am est |
Forced Perspective Fun photo set. 02.05.12, 1:50 am est |
The Pacman dress Nerd porn. 02.05.12, 1:49 am est |
Ultimate Tazer Ball (2:34) This is the dumbest thing I've seen in awhile. 02.04.12, 11:08 pm est |
See What Demographic Google Thinks You Belong To They are slightly off on a few things on my cookie. 02.04.12, 6:55 pm est |
Short Film: Sound of Silence (8:38) Aw. 02.04.12, 6:53 pm est |
Scott Gomez - No single goal in one year! Let's celebrate! Wow. Tough crowd in Montreal, haha. 02.04.12, 2:29 am est |
El Wingador (9:21) Errol Morris explores the excessive eating habits of a five-time champion of the Philadelphia Wing Bowl. 02.04.12, 2:11 am est |
Shit Gamers Say To Their Girlfriends (1:18) "Shit x says to y" is getting old, but there's a few gems in here. 02.03.12, 1:58 am est |
Remember? Sainsbury's is an awesome company. 02.03.12, 1:53 am est |
Rotating Bedroom WIN AKA more fun places to do it in. 02.03.12, 1:51 am est |
2012 Budweiser Official Big Game Commercial (2:09) This makes me smile. It's got to be the best feeling ever. 02.03.12, 1:36 am est |
The Krispy Kreme Challenge Is A Marathon Fit For A Fat Man It'd take me a couple hours, but dammit, I'd finish! 02.03.12, 1:33 am est |
Nyjer Morgan - San Jose Sharks Practice 02/01/12 (2:59) I think it's the best when pro sports players can cross over into another sport for a day, it's fun. 02.03.12, 1:31 am est |
Do The Coughlin! (1:51) I found this slightly amusing. 02.03.12, 1:27 am est |
1000 Awesome Things: #55 - Thick milkshakes and greasy fries at an old diner Yes and yes. One of the best 2 am meals. 02.03.12, 1:19 am est |
Back To The Future II Downtown Recreated In LEGO Dear LEGO, if you manufacture these, you can have my money. 02.03.12, 1:12 am est |
The best "Kiss Cam" yet (0:26) This guy knows what's up. 02.03.12, 1:06 am est |
The difference between love and infatuation Because I don't think I actually know. 02.03.12, 1:06 am est |
Impossible Pool Trickshots (2:21) I usually skip these videos, but this one was impressive. 02.03.12, 1:03 am est |
Best bed ever? As long as it's a minimum queen size mattress. 02.03.12, 1:02 am est |
Bill Maher - Irritable Bowl Syndrome (2:14) Socialism! (Fuck yeah!) 02.03.12, 1:01 am est |
Expert mode Who changed the difficulty settings?!? 02.01.12, 1:59 am est |
These're some graffiti by 'smugone' Fantastic tagging. 02.01.12, 1:58 am est |
In Which I Fix My Girlfriend's Grandparents' WiFi and Am Hailed as a Conquering Hero This... is epic. 02.01.12, 1:09 am est |