October 29, 2008 |
YTMND - Infinite turkeys
YTMND - Talented pandas
YTMND - Worf can't be fooled
YTMND - All ships check in!
YTMND - This is what happens when you upset the Busey
YTMND - Tssm tssm tssm tssm tssm tssm
YTMND - The rules
YTMND - I am ashamed for laughing at this
YTMND - They moved the bar!
YTMND - Debtris
YTMND - I can break these cuffs!
YTMND - Usher can break those cuffs down
YTMND - Cuffs of Time
YTMND - Can't Break This
YTMND - Morpheus can break those cuffs
YTMND - Olympic cuff breaking
YTMND - Sloth can break those cuffs
YTMND - Who you gonna call? Cuffbusters!
(We can thank the show COPS and this video
clip for the inspiration!)
Brad Sucks - my new favorite artist.
Lego Death Star
- I wish I was a kid again.
Victorian Laptop -
best mod EVAR.
Easily mispronounced domain names - maybe you are
looking for a rapist, I don't know...
Baby's First
What's better than
20 Laker Girls? - 500 prospective Laker Girls. *drools*
Different ways to meet new people to date
Australian Indoor Rules Quiddich - oh
HELL yes.
TELEMEGAPHONE - oh those crazy Norwegians.
10 People with Unbelievable Medical Conditions
- crazy stuff.
70 Amazing
Business Cards - there's some GORGEOUS and unique design here. I'm jealous.
50 Incredible
Film Posters from Poland - I never would have known.
35 of the Most
Unique & Creative Sofa Designs - it's Ikea on crack.
A sampling of
interesting photos from the Bejing Olympics - I heart other people's photography.
More artography
Earth from
above - more beautiful pictures.
The Flickr Panda - what better way to find random
pictures than with the help of a panda vomiting a rainbow. It's brilliant, I tell you.
Texas Waffle Maker - seriously?
Toyota MR2 for sale - must know Visual
Basic and knowledge of micro-controllers.
FLASH GAME - Irritating Game
- aptly named!
FLASH GAME - The eyeballing game - this could burn a
few hours of your day.
FLASH GAME - Light Bot - logic abound!
VIDEO - America Rules England
Sucks - Jack English is a TRUE American patriot!
VIDEO - The Daily Show -
Ready, Willing, and Cable - Ed Helms at his finest.
VIDEO - slow motion skateboarding - interesting for
some reason.
- Matt Damon on Sarah Palin - hilarious, sad, and true.
VIDEO - The Making of a Venezuelan Street Vendor Burger - *drools*
VIDEO - Zack & Miri RED BAND trailer - Kevin Smith strikes again!
VIDEOS! - Seth MacFarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon
Comedy! - well, I was amused.
Terry Tate is back, and he's taking on
Palin. WOOOOOOO!!!
VIDEO - Wario Land: Shake It! - link works better
in IE. Nifty idea!
VIDEO - Stimulus Package RAP - this is
full of WIN.
VIDEO - Large Hadron Collider RAP - get
down with your nerd self.
VIDEO - Duck Tales live action intro -
...or is it?
VIDEO - Holmes on Homes at Home -
homeowners take note,
lots of good information here.
VIDEO - Scrubs - Feud clip - it's so
VIDEO - Scrubs - Greatest conversation
ever - it's so true.
VIDEO - Scrubs - Elliot - it's... so...
true... *drools*
Protip: Scrubs clips on YouTube are the #1 leading addiction on the interwebs.
VIDEO - A Day in the Life - of someone we
all know.
VIDEO - Bowser's Minions - they're a tad
Someone went and made their own Super Mario World levels. Clicking on the following videos explains this a little
more in-depth:
VIDEO - Asshole Mario 1
VIDEO - Asshole Mario 2
Each video has links to more stages that were created. Absolutely insane stuff.
VIDEO - Ernest Borgnine's secret to
longevity - I'M GOING TO LIVE FOREVER!!!
VIDEO - Brodie's version of the happy dance
- hey!!!!!
VIDEO - Who's on First? - visual text
representation of the best skit of all time.
VIDEO - Insane traffic collision - this is
Webster's official definition of "crazy bitches".
VIDEO - Young Hillary Clinton - she says
the darndest things.
VIDEO - Bill Cosby is INSANE and I LOVE
VIDEO - Wassup B? - true, true.
One the best parts about the intertubes is that you can get a couple of friends together and make comedy for the
masses. Protip: Be hilarious like these people!
First up is
Barats And Bereta. We all know that
everyone needs a montage. Even Rocky had a montage. But what about a
MANtage?!?! And while it's unhealthy to
become addicted to video games, there's one game that's perfectly healthy to obsess over:
DOUBLE DRAGON!!! Finally, another knee
slapper, the one and only
Douche Off! Hi-larious stuff! Check
their archive for more goodness.
Next up is
Fatal Farm, the makers of the Duck Tales video posted
a bit earlier in this post. They have a whole slew of
TV Theme re-makes. Mark Erickson has
Infinite Solutions to interesting
issues. They also pay tribute to Jim Davis over at
Lasagna Cat, with live reenactments of Garfield comics.
While I have not explored the vast video goodness over at
Loading Ready Run, their recurring segment "Iron Stomach
Challenge", and specifically, the
Banana Onion Juice
challenge is enough to keep watching more :)
Are you looking for something fun to do? A new hobby? Maybe you should try out a few of the following.
EXTREME IRONING!!! It's "the latest danger
sport that combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well-pressed shirt." And
who knows, become talented enough, and you could compete in the
World Championships!
Need more intensity? How about trying out the new sport sweeping the nation,
Shirling! If that's still not enough, and
you have plenty of energy to spare, perhaps a game of
Brockian Ultra-Cricket
will suit your needs. If you yearn for this nation's pastime, but wish there was an extra "kick" to the game, then
look no further than
THUNDERBALL. But stay out of the gun
There's a new British game show that's sweeping the nation:
That's Numberwang!
That's Numberwang!
Play Numberwang at home!
A history of Numberwang
The Numberwang Code
And if you like Numberwang, give
Wordwang a whirl!