May 28, 2007 |
YTMND - How To Eat A Watermelon - this YTMND led me to
the following video clip on youtube:
civil rights activist Petey Greene's
Washington DC television program in the Spring of 1982, a man who is *passionate* about his watermelon.
YTMND - Street Fighter vs. little girl - SONIC BOOM!
YTMND - Mean Girls gets V-dubbed - also
the last time Lindsay Lohan looked normal... or hot.
YTMND - Die Hard 1 shows it's age - *tear*
YTMND - Peter Griffin in 1984
YTMND - Takin' retards to the zoo - wtf?
YTMND - Happy gets V-dubbed
YTMND - MONSTER JAM!!! - one of my all-time
YTMND - Mrs. Pell's Fish sticks - classic!
VIDEO - Rambo
4 trailer - this movie is going to ROCK!!!
The Song You Hear When You
Die - now you know!
Bands I Useta Like - dude needs to chill.
VIDEO - Bruce Campbell sings "Hungry Like
The Wolf" - lounge version. Frickin' brilliant!
Crazy Russians
VIDEO - Air sex is the
equivalent of air guitar - this gets a double wtf?!?!
Michael K. Brandow wants to work
for YOU!!!
Naperville to
host Great Burrito Hunt - they need to do this in DC, stat!
The World's 1st Rechargeable and Portable Power Bug Zapper Swatter - I'd totally buy this.
May 20, 2007 |
The answer is not always C - what a
Unicorn vs. Narwhal - I do enjoy the
independent animated shorts.
Patches for 5/17
Personal pictures
from a security guard on the set of BTTF - I was fascinated by these.
Did you know that Eric Stoltz was actually cast as Marty McFly? - Apparently they shot
some of the movie with Stoltz before booting him out and putting the MJF in. (You can use the navigation at
the bottom of those galleries to look at other on-set photos from the BTTF series.)
Babality!!! - this *cracked* my shit up.
Stupid kid.
May 14, 2007 |
YTMND - Life inside a water bottle - I
enjoy the occasional YTMND that's somewhat original, and not necessarily a fad or funny.
VIDEO - Mario: Game Over - what happened
after Mario saved the Princess?
VIDEO - Hottest Webcam Ever - just keep
VIDEO - Homer Simpson vs. Peter
Griffin - this MUGEN stuff is pretty damn awesome.
Animation of all flight
movements tracked by FlightAware during a 24-hour period in November, 2006. - Remind you of anything?
Anyways, I thought this was pretty neat.
Kaiser Chiefs - Ruby - the video is
a neat concept. The song itself is so damn catchy too, I'm completely obsessed with it. I even put in on my
stupid myspace profile! That's how much I enjoy it.
May 7, 2007 |
Conopizza - pizza... IN A CONE! BRILLIANT!
Patches on 5/3 - these hamsters
crack me up.
60 Things Worth
Shortening Your Life For - #12 needs to happen now, #17 sounds delicious, I'm going to need a volunteer
for #31 (:D), and I bet #40 would be downright insane.
Trance Around The World With Above and
Beyond - they play some great stuff on XM.
Starfox 2 for the SNES - it
never was released, but looks like it would have been fun to play.
How To Irrigate Your Nasal Passages
- with Drew of "Toothpaste For Dinner" and "Married To The Sea" fame.