Underground Death Boss Wait... wait wait wait... a second... 10.31.11, 11:39 pm est |
Local Man Ruins Date By Just Being Himself [AUDIO] (1:08) Poor guy. 10.31.11, 11:36 pm est |
Ken Jennings Is The 99% A different kind of 99%. 10.31.11, 1:58 am est |
Anybody Can Be Cool - But Awesome Takes Practice This should shave been required reading in high school. 10.31.11, 1:57 am est |
PencilHead (4:13) Strange animated video set to Fatboy Slim. 10.31.11, 1:37 am est |
LRGO robot solves Rubik's Cube in 5 seconds (0:35) But can it slice AND dice? 10.30.11, 8:38 pm est |
Recursive Wil Wheaton Shirt The man. The legend. 10.30.11, 7:18 pm est |
Creative billboard ads Some new ones, some oldies but goodies. 10.30.11, 7:17 pm est |
This baby is a genius Wow. 10.30.11, 7:13 pm est |
Old Spice's advice on Halloweening It's actually a good idea. 10.30.11, 7:13 pm est |
Next level tailgating accessory One has to be free for beer pong anyway. 10.30.11, 7:12 pm est |
Halloween Treat (0:43) Let me guess... 10.30.11, 6:22 pm est |
How to Break Down a Door A Ron Swanson-like message. 10.29.11, 4:31 pm est |
I got water on my laptop Oh noes... 10.29.11, 4:30 pm est |
Good costume It's quite scary as well. 10.29.11, 4:30 pm est |
That awkward moment... Everyone once in awhile it happens. 10.29.11, 4:29 pm est |
NPH's bracelet collection And why he likes each one. 10.29.11, 4:28 pm est |
5sf - Pinata Party (0:08) What REALLY happens. 10.29.11, 4:28 pm est |
OmniTouch - Demo Video (3:27) This is very useful technology. To use on boobs. 10.29.11, 3:36 am est |
Why I always preferred Lego No other brand would do justice. 10.29.11, 3:32 am est |
Loading... America! 10.29.11, 3:31 am est |
I can't help it Sorry, ladies. 10.29.11, 3:30 am est |
This little guy won Halloween Another solid kid's costume. 10.29.11, 3:29 am est |
Click Shame on Me to Continue You got caught! 10.29.11, 3:29 am est |
Made some toast Star Wars humor. 10.29.11, 3:28 am est |
This will be my last meal Best way to go. 10.29.11, 3:26 am est |
This printer is now called Bob Marley Brilliant. +1 Internet. 10.29.11, 2:52 am est |
Crossbow Snow Launcher For those hard to reach places. 10.29.11, 2:13 am est |
Adventures In Depression It's hard to describe to other people what goes on during these periods of time. 10.28.11, 2:36 am est |
Another 8-Ft LEGO Minfig Washes Up, This Time In Florida This has happened more than once? So strange. 10.28.11, 2:29 am est |
Shark Pool: Official Trailer (2:35) Don't go in the pool. No, really. 10.28.11, 2:21 am est |
Moroccan Bow Lathe (6:53) I thought this was pretty impressive. 10.28.11, 2:04 am est |
Lady Gaga's Halloween Costume I see what she did there. 10.28.11, 2:02 am est |
Aquarium Win! Are ya ready, kids? 10.28.11, 2:01 am est |
9 Sexiest Female Pro Cyclists Boobs. 10.27.11, 9:56 am est |
Hilarious interview between Derek Holland and Ian Kinsler (2:06) A longer Harry Caray impression by the impeccable Derek Holland. 10.27.11, 2:47 am est |
Derek Holland Amuses Joe Buck With His Harry Caray And Arnold Impressions The Harry Caray one is solid. Great improv. 10.26.11, 1:14 am est |
Awkward stock photo - this kid The expression is priceless. 10.26.11, 1:12 am est |
Drawing on acd I can taste the colors, maaaaan. 10.25.11, 9:28 am est |
The Pumpkins Crazy pumpkin art. 10.25.11, 9:27 am est |
Humanity's Progress In Developing Star Trek's Technologies Still trying to figure out that whole warp drive thing. 10.24.11, 3:30 pm est |
Introducing Coach Ballgame (4:46) Dude is a cool coach... and likes MILFs. What's more American than that? (Watch 'til the end.) 10.24.11, 9:52 am est |
How The Fosbury Flop Came To Be (1:17) Your Olympic knowledge for the day. 10.24.11, 9:32 am est |
A Journey With the By-The-Wind Sailor Introducing the coolest relative of a jellyfish, the By-the-wind Sailor (Velella velella). 10.24.11, 9:23 am est |
A hockey fan's guide to the World Series Here's a handy guide to some of the subtle differences between the two sports to help you follow the action. 10.24.11, 9:20 am est |
Coldplay - Paradise (4:20) I kinda like their new song. 10.24.11, 3:24 am est |
Clever Super Mario Themed Wedding Invites They are doing it right. 10.23.11, 8:31 pm est |
BRODYQUEST (4:02) What is this, I don't even... 10.23.11, 2:30 am est |
Hidden stack of pancakes on the $5 HOW HAVE I NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE 10.23.11, 2:25 am est |
Shakespeare insult kit Check it out, you yeasty weather-bitten wagtail. 10.23.11, 2:24 am est |
Obama: Iraq war will be over by year's end; troops coming home shitmydadsays: "Bullshit. War ain't over till people stop shooting. You can't say you're done taking a crap if shit's still coming out of your ass." 10.21.11, 11:46 pm est |
The Football Tailgate like a BOSS. 10.21.11, 11:35 pm est |
HoloDesk - Direct 3D Interactions (4:15) Questions: A, how much longer until the first HoloDeck is built? B, how much longer until Direct 3D interactions with boobs? 10.21.11, 11:35 pm est |
Word as Image (2:55) Or, rather, a short animation. 10.21.11, 11:34 pm est |
MC Hammer launching his own search engine Will we still be Googling in the future? Or are we going to Hammer it out on the web? 10.21.11, 11:22 pm est |
Coins of the pound sterling They redid them in 2008. Pretty neat idea. (First picture on right.) 10.21.11, 11:14 pm est |
Pronto Demo Video (1:41) Protect yourself... LIKE A BOSS. 10.21.11, 11:11 pm est |
Emo crayons Emo kids need to color on place mats too. 10.21.11, 11:08 pm est |
Bacon Frosting It's got to be worth a try, right? 10.21.11, 11:07 pm est |
Clever first world solutions More neat ideas that will help you out. 10.21.11, 3:01 am est |
Life's too short for the wrong job Some of these I hadn't seen before. Still a clever ad campaign. 10.21.11, 3:00 am est |
LEGO Futurama There can never be enough of these. 10.20.11, 11:56 pm est |
Scent of Mullet What does that even smell like? 10.20.11, 9:04 pm est |
Busy Busy, busy. busy. 10.20.11, 9:04 pm est |
Picture caption! Comedy! 10.20.11, 2:00 am est |
Quantum levitation! WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?!?! 10.19.11, 2:30 am est |
Taco Panda Everybody dance! 10.19.11, 2:27 am est |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Noses They cannot be unseen. 10.19.11, 2:25 am est |
How To Tie A Tie (1:47) I never do enough skulling. 10.19.11, 2:15 am est |
CraftMine (0:28) Seems legit. 10.18.11, 8:00 pm est |
The Chase - Fanny Chmelar (3:01) Oh man, good luck with this one! 10.18.11, 7:58 pm est |
Turtle-ly Awesome! Terrible pun, excellent use of a watermelon. 10.18.11, 7:53 pm est |
A picture of Zach Braff screwing one of his fans Classic Braff. 10.18.11, 7:49 pm est |
Bricks of War (2:30) "Gears of War" animation... with LEGO. 10.18.11, 10:29 am est |
Bubble Calendar This would be a great xmas present, as long as you buy the current year, and not the next. 10.17.11, 8:49 pm est |
Saw this at Legoland Florida Well played LEGO designer. 10.17.11, 8:48 pm est |
James Hetfield is hungry Feed him. 10.17.11, 8:47 pm est |
How to remodel your bathroom The proper way! 10.17.11, 8:46 pm est |
Epic sand castle is epic Well done. 10.17.11, 8:46 pm est |
Battery "charger" Good concept, not practical... yet. 10.17.11, 8:46 pm est |
How not to handle hecklers (3:50) Classic Muppets. 10.17.11, 8:27 pm est |
BANG! by bitplay INC. (1:07) Now I want to shoot ALL of my electronics/appliances. 10.17.11, 7:03 pm est |
The Walken Dead (2:34) It's a different strain of the virus. Watermelon. 10.17.11, 7:02 pm est |
Fastest Two-Ball Labyrinth (2:51) Wizardry! Sorcery! Impossible! 10.16.11, 3:01 pm est |
Everyday Genius Seen a lot of these before, still neat inventions. 10.15.11, 10:52 pm est |
Gotta love that tube Tuuuuube! 10.15.11, 10:52 pm est |
Entire Mario World 1-1 Recreated In Post-Its Boredom produces some spectacular things. 10.14.11, 1:30 am est |
Boobs are like the sun They also brighten my day, like the sun does. 10.14.11, 1:09 am est |
Today's special Happy hour or bust. 10.14.11, 1:03 am est |
Patient joke Hi-larious! 10.14.11, 1:03 am est |
Why I Shouldn't Be A Father Funny stuff. 10.14.11, 1:01 am est |
Millenball (2:46) The incredible true story of Matt Millen's horrific run as general manager of the Detroit Lions. 10.13.11, 8:19 pm est |
Family Gets Lost in Corn Maze, Calls 911 (1:25) It's important to point out people that fail this hard in life and laugh. Laugh on into the night. 10.13.11, 8:03 pm est |
Ghostbuster Abe Lincoln He freed the slaves, but busted all ghosts. 10.13.11, 7:39 pm est |
Epic Trick Shot Battle - Dude Perfect vs Brodie Smith (4:39) I've been jaded by too many edited videos to truly believe the validity of this. If you haven't, it's pretty damn impressive! 10.13.11, 1:42 am est |
Libya's Fighting Guitar Heroes Cover me, while I cover Zeppelin. 10.13.11, 1:33 am est |
LEGO vampire jacuzzi LEGO: always awesome. 10.13.11, 1:31 am est |
The Occupy Wall Street movement spreads I'm really curious as to how long this will last, and how many cities will have these going on. 10.13.11, 12:34 am est |
It's Not That Your Service Was Irrational, Just Your Tip Amount How nerds pay the tip. 10.13.11, 12:23 am est |
Nutella combo Snack AND drink? Too good to be true! 10.13.11, 12:21 am est |
Build For Kristen (1:19) Kristen Schaal is back with another solid commercial. 10.11.11, 12:44 am est |
Blackboards in Porn Lots of potential here. Porn can be educational! 10.11.11, 12:15 am est |
A deaf woman who can finally hear meets Ellen (4:34) This is Ellen coming through with the feel-good story of the moment. 10.10.11, 2:50 am est |
Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia: The Border Between Heaven & Earth Preeeeety. 10.10.11, 2:47 am est |
Reverse Graffiti Hits The Streets Of Riga, Latvia (1:56) Once I realized what they were doing, the concept is pretty awesome. 10.10.11, 2:16 am est |
Chickens Break Up A Fight (0:26) SONIC BOOM! 10.10.11, 2:07 am est |
ABERRICAN ME - Ross Capicchioni - Part 1 (6:32) Part 2 should be in the in the link list on the page. Just watch. 10.09.11, 4:16 am est |
Better Off Ted - Vulgar Outtakes (2:18) Cussing is hi-larious! 10.09.11, 3:55 am est |
John K. Talks about his "Simpsons" Opening John K. of Ren & Stimpy fame animated the Simpsons opening on 10/2. 10.09.11, 3:05 am est |
Mr. Jones The Accurate Clock It's always correct. 10.08.11, 12:21 am est |
30K Piece LEGO Death Star Hangar Diorama Why it's Luke, and Obi-Wan, and my favorite, Chewie! They're all here! 10.08.11, 12:05 am est |
Designed Ice Cream It's food! It's art! It's... fart? 10.07.11, 12:36 pm est |
The real philosophical question Classic Mitch. 10.07.11, 12:34 pm est |
9 Best 3rd Jerseys In The NHL I'm partial to St. Louis' 3rd jersey the most. 10.07.11, 12:34 pm est |
My very first somewhat useless invention (0:15) Surprisingly, it has vast potential. 10.07.11, 12:33 pm est |
Touch! Touch! Nothing will Happen Nothing says "check this out" more than illuminated silicone nipples. 10.07.11, 12:31 pm est |
Magic Wand Salt & Pepper Shakers What a fun idea. 10.07.11, 12:30 pm est |
YouTube hack Snake! A snake! Ooohhh it's a snaaaaake... 10.07.11, 12:06 pm est |
Pikapew Poop Chu (1:35) It's a fart joke with Pokemon... 10.07.11, 11:58 am est |
Lassi Hurskainen - Angry Birds (3:49) More soccer trick shots! 10.07.11, 11:48 am est |
Now That You're Big Puberty meets De. Seuss. 10.07.11, 11:44 am est |
Forgot password to word document I was searching how to recover passwords on protected word documents. Answer #3 MORE than sufficed :) 10.06.11, 1:58 am est |
Biting Elbows - The Stampede (3:04) Awesome song, awesome video. Check this one out. 10.06.11, 1:07 am est |
Miniature Tire Swing Nice! 10.05.11, 8:58 pm est |
Unemployment True story. 10.05.11, 2:25 am est |
Battleshot How to make classic games more fun. Step 1: add alcohol. 10.05.11, 2:23 am est |
Waterslide in closet? I don't need to be rich. I just need to know rich people. 10.05.11, 2:22 am est |
Whoa It took a second. 10.05.11, 2:22 am est |
95 out of 95 members found this review helpful Save some time, get to the good parts. 10.05.11, 2:21 am est |
I'm taking a nap There will be consequences if you disturb them. 10.05.11, 2:03 am est |
Rape Stove You'll never want to bake again. 10.05.11, 2:02 am est |
No Matter How Much You Protect Your Kids, Sooner Or Later One Of Them's Going To Drown In A Swimming Pool It happens to the best of us. 10.05.11, 2:02 am est |
Népszámlálás 2011 (0:44) This has something to do with Hungary's 2011 census. 10.05.11, 2:01 am est |
2012 Toyota Yaris - Windows! (0:16) Extravagant features. 10.05.11, 1:58 am est |
Menu Item FAIL Spelling mistake - still funny. 10.05.11, 1:58 am est |
The Boardroom (1:33) 93 seconds of win. 10.05.11, 12:33 am est |
Best non-sex feeling ever? A smattering of opinions. 10.03.11, 7:33 pm est |
Shark baby Best baby costume ever. 10.03.11, 7:32 pm est |
Great googly moogly (0:33) Classic. 10.03.11, 3:04 am est |
This might be the greatest thing ever (0:31) Totally street legal. 10.03.11, 2:59 am est |
Christmas Trees (0:12) Revenge. 10.03.11, 12:06 am est |
Mind-blowing Rice Fields in Japan They aren't just going to grow rice, they are going to grow it in style. 10.02.11, 7:57 pm est |
GOOP of the GODS II (0:58) Gotta lay off that goop! 10.02.11, 1:50 am est |
Sexy Pancakes Dude makes some mean pancakes. 10.02.11, 1:48 am est |
Duff Beer Soon, you can *actually* buy it! 10.01.11, 1:33 am est |