April 13, 2009 |
Fake Celebs on Twitter -
this was going to be a link to Mr. Walken's supposed Twitter feed, but it turns out it was a fake. A shame,
because the way it was written, it could have passed for him without question. There's a small blurb in the
article about it.
FotoFlexer - The world's most advanced online photo editor -
I haven't used it, but the page I found the link on suggested it as a wonderful online tool.
eBoy pixel art - pixel art fascinates me.
I LEGO NY - a very amusing
interpretation of NYC with Lego bricks.
Scrabble keyboard mod -
I enjoy people who have lots of time on their hands, imagination, AND motivation. I only possess 2 of the 3,
haha. Jaime, you'd enjoy this!
Pushpin Mario - very
neat rendering of the most recognizable video game character. I am beginning to think that Mario is the usual
starting point for all new art mediums.
The Seven Best Capers of 2008
- The Snohomish Smokescreen = "Inside Man".
95 Old School Games You Can Play
Online - never be bored again. Aside: if I ever buy an arcade machine, Centipede is my first choice.
Fantastically Funky Modern Furniture Designs - it makes your furniture look BORING.
Scientists extract images directly from brain - how awesome is this? We are now one step
closer to creating Holodecks.
FMyLife - legit or not, they are amusing.
"S. Darko" - the sequel to the original "Donnie
Darko". Not meant to be a series, it's a project by a fan of the previous movie that wanted to direct a second
movie to continue on the story. It does star Daveigh Chase who is reprising her role from the first movie.
You Fell Asleep Watching A DVD - dot com.
Actually, it's a neat idea for a site. I hope they expand their selections.
Awful Announcing - I've been missing out. This
looks to be a solid blog about sports in general, with a much closer look at horrid sports analysts.
Paid To Do It 72 Times
- don't care if it's fake! It's brilliant!
40 per cent of Australian
women wear a bra with a cup size DD or bigger - note to self: Australia is apparently AWESOME.
The Obama Action Figure - Japan is
equally AWESOME. I want one!!!
Etsy seller diffractionfiber has a few
neat throw pillow sets for sale.
Le Whif chocolate inhaler - "We call it whiffing." Yeaaahhh.
PHOTOS - Beautiful
places - spiffy photography of places we many never visit.
PHOTOS - 12 fantastic photos of factories in Japan - I applaud everyone who can pull off nighttime photography
PHOTOS - 101 Absolutely Breathtaking Infrared Photographs - some gorgeous shots here.
PHOTOS - 60 Beautiful Examples Of Night Photography - once again, more gorgeous
Chernobyl Today: A Creepy Story Told in Pictures - creeepy.
Woman is vilified for selling a pedigreed pup to the Bidens - PETA is out of their GODDAMNED
minds. This short article angered me. You're going to tell me that a person shouldn't have a CHOICE to pick what
kind of dog they want? You HAVE to get a shelter dog or fear BACKLASH for going through a breeder? That's fucked
in the head. It's not any of the parties involved fault that there's too many shelter dogs. Add this incident to
the long list of reasons why I hate people.
YouTube user JPPraterCO08 has a
bunch of 311 songs and videos, and some demos that even I hadn't heard before.
311's new single "Hey You" has dropped,
take a listen! It's a happy slam-jam song. Looking forward to the new album!
VIDEO - Samsung SSD Awesomeness -
simply amazing technology. Windows Mobile will be on your toaster before you know it.
VIDEO - World Builder - a strange man builds a world
using holographic tools for the woman he loves. Sappy.
VIDEO - Mother of All Funk Chords -
these mash-up videos are neat.
VIDEO - Bernard "Pretty" Purdie: 16th Note
Shuffle - this dude is BOSS.
VIDEO - Ogre, the LEGO tank - BEAST.
VIDEO - Quattro Super Toilet! - Forget
"Will It Blend?", "Will It Flush?" is superior!
VIDEO - Ninja Bear! - lookout!
VIDEO - Mac 'n Cheese Expert Ian Golder
- wow.
VIDEO - NES controller mod for the DS
- neat!
VIDEO - Jen Stark's Paper Art - amazing
art using only colored paper. And she happens to be a hottie. Unf.
VIDEO - Hip Hop Violin - dude has SKILL.
Where you at, P. Diddy?
VIDEO - Best. Action. Scene. EVAR. -
that is all.
VIDEO - Welcome to the show! YAY!!!
VIDEO - Intermission! YAY!!!
VIDEO - End of the show! YAY!!!
VIDEO - Lego Wii - a short film.
VIDEO - Unbelievable can throwing skills
- reminds me of the Amazing Soccer Shots
video I linked to earlier this year.
VIDEO - The Matrix Runs on Windows -
VIDEO - The Great Office War - if I ran
a company, this would happen every Friday.
VIDEO - How Ice Hockey Rinks
Are Made - I actually had no idea. Very interesting!
sheep LED art you'll see all day.
VIDEO - Hand Thing - are you still doing
that hand thing?
VIDEO - Field Microwave - with handy
self-destruct mechanism!
VIDEO - Denver Nuggets Cheerleader Makes Announcers Go Speechless - baby loves milk...
VIDEO - Hamster in a Wok - no, it's not
what you think. Or is it?
VIDEO - Shii - The Wii for Women -
VIDEO - Mow the lawn! - this should be a
VIDEO - Cock Shot! - the Slap Chop
VIDEO - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 Jesus
Shot - a user found a supposed glitch in the game.
EA thinks differently.
And now, ridiculously sick shootout goals:
VIDEO - Linus Omark (SWE v SUI)
VIDEO - Nick Lindberg (PH v KAL)
VIDEO - Mike Ribeiro (DAL v COL)
By the way, when it comes to pedaling his wares, Vince doesn't accept voice dub-overs. No, instead, he speaks
the language HIMSELF!
VIDEO - Shamwow! en Espanol!
VIDEO - Slap Chop! en Espanol!
Kym Johnson - I might
have a reason to start watching "Dancing With The Stars". Those pro women dancers are HOT. Speaking of other
people on "Dancing..."
with the last name Johnson...
This just in: Anna Kournikova is still ridiculously hot and delicious:
of her playing "beer pong" against Jimmy Fallon,
more coverage here as well. Damn you Enrique
Iglesias, damn you!!!