Calvin Nicholls - paper bear sculpture Ridiculous detail in this paper art creation. 09.29.13, 3:57 am est |
NeverWet Rain Drawing - I'm Only Happy When It Rains (1:04) A neat new way of creating graffiti. 09.29.13, 3:53 am est |
Game Of Thrones House Sigils, Star Wars, Futurama And Adventure Time Characters Carved From Crayons Very well done mini statues. 09.28.13, 3:07 pm est |
Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. - We Almost Lost Detroit (3:27) It's a great song, and a cover of the original by Gil Scott-Heron. Lyrics are about the partial meltdown of nuclear reactor Fermi 1 in SE Michigan in 1966. 09.28.13, 3:09 am est |
Tales You Lose Transforming coins into portraits of fictional characters. 09.27.13, 2:59 am est |
Football's 10 Most Spectacular Own Goals There's a couple spectacular finishes in here, even if they are for the wrong team. 09.26.13, 3:48 am est |
Natural-born painkiller found in human saliva More mind-blowing science. 09.26.13, 3:02 am est |
The Awesome Story About a Group of Men Who Have Been Playing a Single Game of Tag for 23 Years The most epic game of all time. 09.26.13, 3:00 am est |
A Manly Day in the Life of Nick Offerman (2:25) MANLY. 09.26.13, 2:43 am est |
Teenage Mutant Koopa Troopas (2:35) The same guy who did the Ghostbusters/Mario mashup has made another masterpiece. 09.25.13, 2:33 am est |
Red Fang - Wires (5:56) What a $5000 music video looks like. (Hint: it's amazing.) 09.25.13, 2:31 am est |
Kumamon is my favorite Japanese prefecture mascot Why? (dot dot dot) 09.24.13, 2:02 am est |
KEYTAGS This is completely random. 09.24.13, 1:57 am est |
A Glowing TRON Themed N-64 Kind of want. 09.24.13, 1:56 am est |
Promo Video For The Polish Knight Fight League (2:47) A FIGHT CLUB IN MEDIEVAL ARMOR. Brilliant! 09.24.13, 1:54 am est |
Sewing machine diagram Now you know the names of the major components of a sewing machine. 09.24.13, 1:53 am est |
You can shoot the dog in the arcade version of Duck Hunt (0:44) GLORIOUS REVENGE!!! 09.23.13, 2:28 am est |
This animated gif... ...IS BLOWING MY MIND. 09.23.13, 2:25 am est |
Surreal Photos of Subway Cars Being Thrown Into the Ocean Fact: they are used as artificial reef and have become successful ventures. 09.23.13, 2:25 am est |
IHOP comics Deep subject matter. 09.22.13, 4:18 am est |
Diamonds Are Bullshit An article on how De Beers took a shiny object of mass quantity and drove up the price. 09.21.13, 2:43 am est |
Dad Creates Super Mario Themed Bedroom For Daughter I will never tire of these bedroom conversions. This one is fantastic. 09.20.13, 7:17 pm est |
Kinetic Sand (1:30) Sand... from the FUTURE!!! 09.20.13, 5:04 pm est |
Jupiter Structural Layer Cake I want this to be my next birthday cake. 09.20.13, 1:46 am est |
The Veterinary Hospital Has Some Serious Balls Someone changing the letters on the sign has a sense of humor. 09.20.13, 1:45 am est |
The Twisted Trees of Slope Point Gale force winds in New Zealand force the trees to grow at crazy angles. 09.20.13, 1:45 am est |
FLIIKE Fliike is the first physical Facebook Fan (or "Like") counter specially designed for local businesses, public places or Marketing departments. 09.20.13, 1:44 am est |
How To Make A Paper Airplane Fly Forever (2:01) WHAT WIZARDRY IS THIS?!?!? 09.19.13, 3:34 am est |
East/West College Bowl 2: Key & Peele (4:37) Some good names in this sequel. 09.19.13, 3:32 am est |
BC Lions Bust Out Some Excellent Dance Moves During a Video Review (0:36) Havin' fun in the CFL. 09.19.13, 3:01 am est |
Guy finds his house plumbed with beer (1:41) A most excellent prank. 09.19.13, 2:17 am est |
Maple Bacon Chicken and Waffle Wings Dude Foods also brings us this gem, which now gives me reason to buy a waffle iron. 09.19.13, 1:37 am est |
The McEverything Food blog "Dude Foods" bought $140 worth of McDonald's sandwiches and stacked them together. 09.19.13, 1:36 am est |
Underground Living: 10 Amazing Cave Homes, Hotels and More Here's a bucket list if I've ever seen one. Amazing. 09.18.13, 3:45 am est |
This Thai Commercial is Better Than the Last Movie You Watched (3:03) Mighty dusty in here. 09.18.13, 2:49 am est |
Star Trek Starfleet Ice Tray Not going to lie, these are pretty cool. Pun! 09.18.13, 2:45 am est |
Nintendo audio played by player piano and robotic percussion (7:43) I can't imagine how long it took to program this to be such good quality. 09.18.13, 2:44 am est |
19 Bizarre Hockey Injuries If you think being on the ice is a hazard, see how these players fared off the ice. 09.18.13, 2:34 am est |
Chicken Schnitzel Sandwiches These look amazing and I want them. 09.17.13, 3:17 am est |
Hank Bought A Bus Who knew a renovated school bus could look so classy? 09.17.13, 3:16 am est |
Old man at McDonald's Get your daily dose of feels from this story. 09.17.13, 2:57 am est |
The Fox Ticker Thinks Every Player Is Named Griffin I didn't catch this, that's pretty damn funny. 09.17.13, 2:47 am est |
The 3 most beautiful words in the world Beautiful. 09.15.13, 2:15 pm est |
A Michigan Man Whose House Was To Be Demolished Gave His Neighbor's Address Instead Now that is some Pure Michigan. 09.13.13, 9:05 pm est |
Adam Lefkoe of WHAS11 News in Louisville He currently has two excellent videos, one called "Wrestlecast" and one called "Seinfeldcast". They are both amazingly. 09.13.13, 3:04 am est |
Evolution of End Zone Dancing (w/ Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake) (2:43) "Old-Timey" Railroad Car" is my favorite. 09.13.13, 3:02 am est |
How Americans Ski Jump According To Japanese Game (1:07) TOUCHDOWN!!! 09.13.13, 2:56 am est |
Secret to Odorless Pooping in Public - PooPourri.com (2:16) Apparently someone made a product that masks the fact you just blew up the bathroom. 09.13.13, 2:53 am est |
13 Police Blotters To Make You Fear For Your Safety The first one is absolutely hilarious. 09.13.13, 2:46 am est |
Phonebloks (2:47) I want this concept to become a reality. What a brilliant idea. 09.11.13, 4:18 am est |
Waffle falling over (0:06) Greatest. Video. Ever. 09.11.13, 3:15 am est |
Cheese balls make a beautiful model So majestic. 09.10.13, 4:08 am est |
Icarus Proudbottom Teaches Typing The most fun you will ever have with a typing tutorial game. I played the whole thing - doesn't take up too much of your time. Check it out. 09.10.13, 4:06 am est |
The Best Map Ever Made of America's Racial Segregation Nothing highlights this better than 8 Mile Road. 09.10.13, 3:37 am est |
Radical Fast Food Joint Doubles Down on High Wages See link below. They apparently pay workers $15 an hour. I hope this chain catches on. 09.10.13, 3:35 am est |
Moo Cluck Moo I know where I am eating next month. 09.10.13, 3:34 am est |
The Pastels (7:15) A 4-man team taking juggling to the next level. 09.08.13, 11:55 pm est |
Spin the Wheel to Enter Our Showcase Showdown! Everyone is a winner when bubble wrap is involved. 09.08.13, 11:54 pm est |
Nokia developing phone that recharges itself without mains electricity This would be groundbreaking. I hate charging my phone every two seconds. 09.08.13, 11:52 pm est |
PSYCHED THAT FOOTBALL SEASON'S STARTIN' UP AGAIN! (0:07) Bo Burnham is excited for football season. 09.07.13, 4:09 am est |
Ylvis - The Fox (3:45) Your viral music video of the moment. After watching this, watch every Ylvis music video they have, because they are FANTASTIC. 09.07.13, 1:30 am est |
Sport Science: Butt Fumble (2:15) Because this play needed to be broken down on a molecular level. 09.07.13, 1:19 am est |
Putting All the World's Water into a Big Cube It is deceiving how much water is on this planet. 09.07.13, 1:15 am est |
Southwest: Photos by Kurt and Edwige Moses I thought it was just tilt-shift photography, but those are actually mini figurines. 09.07.13, 1:13 am est |
Mike Tyson's abandoned mansion There were some rockin' electronics left behind. 09.07.13, 1:12 am est |
Living Cube Combines Entertainment Center, Bookshelves, Wardrobe, Walk-In Closet, Loft Bed In NYC, you can rent one for $1750 a month. 09.07.13, 1:05 am est |
Vintage Fallout Bunker Features A Full House And Yard Yo dawg, I herd u like houses, so we put a house in yo house so u can survive while u survive. 09.07.13, 1:01 am est |
Introducing #footballfanproblems Some of these are pretty funny. 09.07.13, 12:57 am est |
Roasted Mezcal Bloody Marys So, it's not food per se, it's a drink, but it looks absolutely amazing. 09.07.13, 12:57 am est |
If other planets were at the same distance as our moon A fun GIF set. 09.06.13, 4:42 am est |
Power Tools Make Every Job Easier This idea is brilliant! 09.06.13, 2:43 am est |
Greatest Vines 2013 (11:38) There is a lot of internet gold in this video compilation. 09.05.13, 1:25 am est |
A spoonful of awesome The troika of tantalizing taste. 09.05.13, 12:39 am est |
20 letters in the alphabet Oh, I forgot a few of them... 09.05.13, 12:37 am est |
30 Unique And Must-See Photos From Our Past #26 might be a little NSFW, watch out! 09.05.13, 12:36 am est |
LG Ultra HD 84" TV Commercial (2:06) Great gag for a commercial bit. 09.05.13, 12:34 am est |
The Hum This sounds like a terrible Sci-Fi movie. 09.02.13, 10:22 pm est |
XBAND This was advertised in Nintendo Power back in the day. My parents wouldn't let me get it because of the monthly subscription fee. I would have owned everyone in Mario Kart in the mid 90's. 09.02.13, 10:19 pm est |
Power washing porn So... clean... 09.02.13, 10:18 pm est |
All 9,866,539 buildings in the Netherlands, shaded according to year of construction The Dutch have their shit together like a boss. 09.02.13, 7:11 pm est |